UWE Bristol
Science Communication Unit (SCU) homepage illustration
The Science Communication Unit (SCU) has an extensive portfolio of activities, including innovative approaches to engaging diverse publics with science. I was briefed to create an illustration for their homepage which demonstrates this at a glance. Each cog was also provided as a stand alone asset which could be used on other sections of the site or in future communications.

A specific requirement on the prospectus was to design and illustrate a campus location map. This helped raise awareness amongst new students that there are multiple campuses in Bristol and their proximity to each other.
As well as the Undergraduate Prospectus, the map and the individual campus illustrations are still being utilised online and in other UWE Bristol publications.
UWE Bristol campus illustrations
Undergraduate Prospectus 2020
Design development to improve section navigation content for the 2020 Undergraduate Prospectus. On approval of designs for each key sections, the studio rolled out artwork for the main body of the prospectus.

2020 Undergraduate
Course Leaflets
To accompany the 2020 Undergraduate Prospectus, I created InDesign templates and produced artwork for 113 double-sided course leaflets covering each of the four faculties. On template approval, I ensured formatting style sheets were watertight before all approved content was artworked.
Once artworking was underway, tracking and managing all amends and subsequent updates required robust version control.