Rolls-Royce Corporate Identity refresh
My first task on this high profile project was to immerse myself in the new Rolls-Royce brand identity guidelines.
Reviewing existing assets and bringing them into line with the new Rolls-Royce brand required close collaboration with the Zone creative team. Clear communication was essential to interpreting and establishing a consistent rational for the roll out of the new identity across 260 assets.
Throughout the project, completed assets were posted on Zone’s ‘Trello workflow’ platform for peer review and any modifications incorporated before final artwork approval.
On final approval, the newly branded assets ranging from; press ads, emails, banners, dealer guides, Leaderboard and billboard banners to Instagram and Facebook posts, were uploaded to the Rolls-Royce dealer marketing resource website, appropriately named ‘ENGINE’.

NetJets Press Ad
Design and final artwork of a single page press ad for US NetJets magazine.
The client provided content and a selection of imagery. This image of the Ghost on full display at an exclusive facility in Van Nuys, California, was by far the main contender for the advert. Originally a landscape shot, the image required extending top and bottom to work in the US portrait format.